The Glass Eel
“I loved every bit of THE GLASS EEL. It’s part The Overstory, yes, and then also a bit Mare of Eastwick with your wondrous female lead. It is so absorbing to feel oneself there [on the Maine Coast ] and surrounded by these very gritty people. I liked them so much... [Th Viertels] write about [the natural world] - the tiny changes - the exquisite complexity and beauty of it all - all mashed over and tragically corrupted by man’s greed and ignorance. The battle between nature and human greed is beautifully and horribly well realized. The book is great. it’ll make a helluva film, too!”
—Emma Thompson
Now here’s a world I knew nothing about, but thanks to this wonderful novel I’m completely engrossed in the lives of the characters who inhabit the fisheries of Maine. The Viertels brought them brilliantly to life in “The Glass Eel.” I can still taste the saltwater. What a triumph!
—Lawrence Wright
The Viertels have written something that meets every standard for fiction: an engrossing (and highly imaginative) plot; vivid characters; the revelation of a world completely unknown to me; and a narrative style that pulled me right along. Two bonuses: Some stunning nature writing that both led me on that unlikely voyage to the Sargasso Sea, and exposed to me the ways lobsters can kill a humanAnd some hilarious lines that lighten the plot at absolutely critical moments.
—Daniel Okrent